A lot is done in the world specifically for women. There is women’s fashion, women’s cosmetics, women’s magazines, women’s literature. There is also insurance created specifically for women. Taking into account the difference between women and men, insurance companies create special insurance products for women.
Types of insurance for women
Auto insurance has long ago singled out women drivers into a special group. In the USA, where the number of cars per capita is the most in the world, there are special tariff plans – “Auto insurance for women”, and in Britain there is even a specialized insurance company that insures only girls-drivers and their cars.
For example, AIG Israel has developed a special program where car insurance rates are 35% lower than the corresponding rates for men. The thing is that statistics claim that only 22% of road traffic accidents involve women, and fatal accidents – only 9%. In addition, women receive additional services, taking into account their individuality, for example, freewheel changes on the road, as well as compensation in the event of a missing car key, in case of loss / theft / damage of original keys.
But there are also insurance companies that are skeptical about easing insurance conditions for women. For example, one of the insurance companies introduced discounts for women – and according to the results of one year’s experience, not only refused discounts but also introduced premiums! In their opinion, a woman without five years of experience is a dangerous driver.
In the global insurance industry, there are various special programs of medical assistance for women, for example, in the case of female cancers, including the cost of diagnosis and treatment. Programs related to the management of pregnancy and childbirth are also widespread, while the insurance company will monitor the quality and completeness of services provided to women and will also provide women with maximum comfort before and during childbirth.
Another (especially relevant for women) type of insurance is life insurance. It is no secret that women are often financially dependent on their husbands, and in the event of the loss of the breadwinner, the woman remains with the children in a deplorable financial situation.
There is also reproductive insurance for women (related to harm to the life and health of a woman and her newborn child as a result of complications during pregnancy and childbirth; or harm to the life and health of a woman (outside pregnancy) as a result of the development of gynecological pathology.
American insurers have an argument for businessmen: “Are you sure your widow will be dressed as well as your wife?” The financial situation of children who have lost their breadwinner usually worries men. And life insurance can protect families not only in case of death but also in case of disability.